Policies for part time students

Personal harassment and bullying

We believe that the dignity of all students and staff must be respected. Staff and students should be courteous and considerate towards everyone and the school environment should be welcoming to all. All those working or studying here have a responsibility to establish and maintain an environment free from bullying and harassment. All forms of harassment or bullying are therefore unacceptable. Every student and member of staff is considered to be responsible for his/her own behaviour and for the impact which it has on others.

Personal harassment or bullying is any kind of unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited act which makes the recipient feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, unsafe or frightened.

Examples include:

  • Comments about physical appearance
  • Behaviour which excludes, disadvantages or isolates someone
  • Being looked at or touched or subjected to any unwanted sexual behaviour
  • Sexual images being displayed
  • Racist literature, language or behaviour
  • Offensive or abusive graffiti
  • Suggestive or offensive remarks (which may be in a language other than the victim’s own) including email, internet messaging, text messages or website.
  • Aggressive or demeaning language or behaviour
  • Public chastisement
  • Jokes about gender, colour, ethnicity, sexuality or disability

This does not affect the rights and responsibilities of staff to challenge and modify inappropriate student behaviour. However, this must be done in a manner which respects the learner and does not cause public embarrassment or humiliation.

If you experience any type of harassment or bullying or see this happening to another student, you should speak to your teacher, the Administration and Student Services team or the Director of studies. When you report instances they will be kept private and you can be confident that these will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

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